13 Yr Search for the Perfect Window Treatment

Kingman Arizona home of the famous Route 66 and also Dan & Anne. They decided to visit the Kingman Home and Garden Show this last April. We were only 1 of several copies offering window treatment ideas, but they took a look at my samples and it was love at first site. This Arizona design was their inspiration. Several days after the show, I was out at their home to measure for cornices.

They had a slider in the transition area between the living room and the kitchen/dining area. Then also have two windows in the living room upstairs. This upstairs area turned out to be the challenge. A long slider gave entrance to a patio deck and then a large picture window over a couch, both providing a beautiful view to the golf course they live on. After measuring and much discussion it was decided to do a single cornice spanning the two windows. That made the cornice only an inch shy of 20 feet! They decided on the 12” high cornice for both areas.

Now they had to choose fabric. It was a bit of an ordeal as they picked out one that would have made a very bold statement in the room but we later found out that the pattern did not flow down the bolt as we had thought.
Anne wanted all three contours done in the same fabric with no breaks—so back to the fabric store again. They were only looking for Southwest designs and we had pretty much looked at all of them. But Connie at Alice’s Fabrics in Kingman managed to find 5 more that we had missed.
In the 5 was the one that seemed to outshine all the rest and match with their rooms perfectly. I was happy and relieved, I could get to work now. Generally speaking unless you have a semi, there is no way to transport a 20 ft cornice fully constructed, so I assembled it into the longest piece we could carry safely in our pickup truck and then two more long pieces that I would have to glue together and finish tucking in their actual room.

Dave & I arrived with the cornices at about 1:45 pm. The downstairs slider went up immediately and I set out my supports all across the living room. I even had to use their pool table at one end. It took another 2 hours to finish the 20’ cornice, but we did a lot of talking. My husband, Dave, had the brackets up so all four of us held it up while Dave moved across and pushed the cornice on to the brackets.
As I walked away into the room and turned around to look, it literally took my breath away. The colorations in the design were perfect and the room really came to life. I have not been so impressed and Dan and Alice were speechless. I got hugs from both of them.

The pictures do not do it justice but I tried to get the full effect of the room. They told me they had been searching 13 years to find the right window treatment! I love this job!

See me building the cornice in their living room in the Living Room Gallery:
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    Cornice Kits

    ••• No Wood, No Sew!!
    ••• Do-It-Yourself
    ••• Ultra-Lightweight
    ••• Easy To Hang
    ••• Investment Never Lost
    ••• Effortless Bay Window
    ••••••••• Treatments
    ••• Custom Window
    ••••••••• Treatments
