The House was Burned to the Ground!

This last week, a new customer, Shirley, contacted us that the website was not working for them to purchase their new window bonnets. I tried it myself, and sure enough an error appeared. Well, I solved the error post haste but she asked if I could just take her info and run the sale manually. No problem, glad to assist. She wanted to purchase not 1 or 2 window bonnets kits, but 6 ea. 15" window cornice kits! Even with our sale prices that is a significant purchase. As it turned out I was working only 15 miles from their home so I decided to deliver them personally.

On Wednesday evening, 8/3, I packed my little PT Cruiser with 6 large boxes, and 6 smaller boxes and off I went. I had called before leaving and talked with Shirley's husband that I was on my way, 7PM or so. When I knocked on the door, a woman's voice yelled to come on in. I announced myself and Shirley's husband came round and said, "Oh, honey, I forgot to tell you but Jan is coming by to deliver our Window Bonnets." As I looked around, there were boxes, bags, blankets, etc all about. Just then, Shirley came from around the kitchen counter walked straight up to me and gave me a big hug and "thank you."

Shirley introduced me to her husband, her sister, brother-in-law and I just said hello to a bunch of others in the backyard. The house and patio had all sorts of people. She enlisted their aid and we unloaded my car and added to the already crowded floor space. Shirley and her sister had finished purchasing all the material for her bonnets just that afternoon. She was very excited to get things going.

Then in the mists of all this I was invited to dinner and then to go see the "house." It was just a block or so down the street. You see, Shirley's home had burned down, every inch totally destroyed including the yard fence, the hot tub, pool decking destroyed, all posessions gone, even a car burned in the drive and their 2 dogs died. All they had were the clothes on their backs. It was the largest and most devastating home fire in the city of Chandler. And as a result this very nice couple became surrounded by friends, neighbors and strangers all willing to help. The local TV had a charity drive to help them, the neighborhood school pitched in as well. And here I arrive 18 days before they are to have the OPEN HOUSE for their newly rebuilt home. I am given a warm welcome, a personal tour of the new home and yes, an invite to the open house.

Shirley and hubby had every reason to be angry and depressed by their tremendous losses. Oh insurance covered the rebuild, the hottub, the car, etc. But they were just so happy and grateful that so many people--friends and total strangers had come to their aid and now they want to give back in the form of this open house. They are truly warm, grateful and gracious people.
I will be attending the open house, September 21. I will be getting pictures so everyone can see the house. Shirley said her sister had created such beautiful designs in their old home and she was anxious to get new ones up in their all new home. WOW, what a story!! I will celebrate and bring the pictures home to this blog and also as a feature on our website, Keep watch.

The picture at the top is of a 15" window bonnet. Shirley will have 6 of these bonnets, so keep a watch here.
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    Cornice Kits

    ••• No Wood, No Sew!!
    ••• Do-It-Yourself
    ••• Ultra-Lightweight
    ••• Easy To Hang
    ••• Investment Never Lost
    ••• Effortless Bay Window
    ••••••••• Treatments
    ••• Custom Window
    ••••••••• Treatments
