What Fabric Should I Use?

What fabric should I use? I get this question quite often. Officially, ANY fabric will do, cottons, silks, jacquards, corduroy, twills, linens, upholstery, drapery, chinelles (not sure of that spelling) you find it, then it can be used. But . . .

Sometimes I know the question is really, "What is the best fabric to use?" or "What is the easiest fabric to use?" To that I can absolutely say, any fabric that is a medium weight or a bit on the stiffer side will be easy to tuck, easy to cut, easy to work with in general and hides any imperfections in the styrofoam and the glued seams.

However I am a realist and just as sure as I tell you a medium weight you will find a beautiful scarf-like fabric that you want to use. Well, no problem. Typically with that type of fabric, I would suggest gathering the fabric so you have a bit of a bunch to tuck into the groove or even pleating if you are so inclined, but if that is still not tight enough, my recommendation would be to take a trip to your local hardware store. In my neck of the woods, the Ace hardware stores are on every other corner. At any rate, go there and look for some string/rope that is a bit thicker than the tuck grove. Then cut a piece the length of your cornice and tuck that in for a nice tight fit for your fabric.

Also do not be afraid to use the same fabric for all three contours of your cornice. It looks great! Covering the back is a personal preference. You can use the same fabric as the bottom contour or just use a matching solid color. All you really want to do is cover the white of the styrofoam in case the lower part of the back side of the cornice is visible from the outside.

Hope that helps. If you have any pictures of your creations, I am always open to using them on the website. Why not let all your friends see your home on the web!!

Happy decorating!
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    Cornice Kits

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    ••• Ultra-Lightweight
    ••• Easy To Hang
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    ••• Effortless Bay Window
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    ••• Custom Window
    ••••••••• Treatments
