Decorating Tip #2 - Color Schemes

Decorating is all about color and that topic can take volumes to cover, but what I want to get across today is Color Schemes. This is the color palette used in a home. These colors help define your personal style. They can be contrasting (pink and red), complementary (red and green), analogous (yellow & green) or monochromatic (various shades of one color, such as light and dark green).

Trying to decide on the right color scheme can be daunting so take a look at your color wheel and just seek out your favorite colors. Complementary and analogous schemes are described below. There are more, of course, but these are the most effective and provide a great place to start. Read on...

Complementary Colors
These color schemes such as red and green, blue and yellow, or purple and orange are colors that appear opposite to each other on the color wheel. Most often they are used in a living or dining room. These color schemes lend themselves to more formal settings and are more visually challenging. A cool color is paired with a warm color, a clear separation but a great effect.

Analogous Colors
Analogous colors appear next to each other on the color wheel, such as yellow and green, blue and
violet, or red and orange. Both colors are either warm or cool. Typically they are soothing colors and evoke a more casual feel. Use them in rooms for rest and relaxation, such as the bedroom, family room, den, home office, spa, or sunporch.

And here's an added tip, once you have a room set, try adding a bit of the ultimate enhancer--Black. Set a black box in the room, picture frame, lampshade or anything else you can think of. It will please and amaze you.

Your cornices can reflect these selections, complementary or analogous, just relax, think about the room as formal or casual, which favorite color "feels" right for the setting and go for it. The best part is with a Window Bonnets cornice you can always take it down and redecorate in literally minutes for just pennies compared to a wood cornice.

Window Bonnets

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    Cornice Kits

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    ••• Custom Window
    ••••••••• Treatments
